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Lona Valley Ranch - Haskell County, Kinta, OK

The Lona Valley Ranch is located in the secluded rises of eastern Oklahoma near Kinta. This hilltop ranch combines native and Bermuda pasture, scenic topography, and a bounty of woods and water for all types of recreation.   The eastern half is high fenced and can be utilized for wildlife and livestock.  A web system of gravel roads allows access to the entire ranch with two lakes and multiple ponds that offer available water throughout the overall property.

Land: This ranch has very attractive topography that includes wooded draws with pasture on top that can be enjoyed from all sections of the property. The eastern half of the ranch, approximately 530 acres, is high fenced and in good working condition with a gravel road system that provides access to each portion of the property. The majority of open areas occupy Bermuda and native pasture with traces of Bluestem. A variety of young and some adult oaks can be found starting on the west side that progresses into the bulk of adult oaks and other trees as one travels east across the ranch.  A 65 acre hay field is fenced with other areas of the ranch that can be cut for hay as well.

Water: There are 2 lakes, 10 ponds, 4 seasonal creeks, and other drainages. The largest lake is centrally located on the ranch and is approximately 8 acres with the smaller lake measuring around 3 acres in size and has plenty of fish.  Also to convey are 2 water meters along the highway frontage.  Lake Eufaula is just out of view at 10 miles west which offers fishing and recreation just minutes away.

Wildlife: The ranch has had minimal hunting pressure in recent years and inhabits a variety of wildlife including whitetail, turkey, quail, and hogs.  Trail cameras show that there are a good number of deer and mature bucks in the area with unlimited amount of mature trees for stand locations.   Lakes and ponds present excellent waterfowl and fishing opportunities.

Location: The ranch is located 3.5 miles north of Kinta and accessed from Highway 2. The property is 3.5 hrs from Dallas, 2.5 hrs from OKC, and just 2 hrs from Tulsa.

Improvements: A modest ranch home along Highway 2 has connected corrals and barns that can be used as a foreman’s residence.  Another small set of livestock pens is on the east side of the property.

Taxes: The annual taxes are approximately $1,700.

Minerals: The seller does not own any minerals.

Note: Buyer’s representation commission 4%.  Ranch is shown by appointment only.

Lona Valley Ranch

Haskell County, Kinta, OK

1,223 Acres

Property Sold
Apr 24th, 2017
$1,225,000 (Asking Price)