The Daisetta Swamp Ranch is a unique opportunity to own a fantastic hunting property about one hour from downtown Houston. The majority of the property has been recently planted in new hardwood trees, creating an excellent environment for wildlife that will only improve with time. There are also four wetland units for ducks and one large pond for fishing. Improvements include large barn, several water wells and good roads.
Location: Property is located on County Road just south of FM 834 approximately 2 miles northwest of Daisetta, Texas. The ranch is less than 60 miles from Houston.
Topography: The ranch is primarily built on an old rice farm with multiple levee systems and water control systems. The majority of the property has been planted in a variety of hardwoods including; bald cypress, willow oaks, overcup oaks, shumard oaks, nutall oaks, green ash, sugarberry, elm, tupelo, red maple, sweetgum, swamp chestnut oak, hickory, and pecans. This planting has been done over the past three years and covers approximately 661 acres. This portion of the ranch is under a Conservation Easement and has limits to usage but does include hunting and fishing. The remaining 95 acres of the property that is not encumbered with a Conservation Easement includes roads on levees, four wetland units, one fishing pond and an area in front of property that has several large barns/sheds.
Wildlife: Excellent populations of ducks, deer, dove, hogs and alligators. Duck hunting is primarily on the existing wetland units that are built to control water depths for creating optimum conditions for attracting ducks. The areas that have been planted with hardwoods are excellent cover and environment for whitetail deer. As the trees grow, it will become an amazing native hardwood forest that should create one of the best ecosystems for deer to be found in the County. With all of the water in wetlands, ponds/lakes, and canals to be found on the property there are plenty of alligators. There is also fishing in several of the ponds and fish are also found in the canal systems throughout the property.
Improvement’s: At the entrance into the property, there is a footprint of approximately 4.5 acres of Saint Agustin grass and includes several large oaks and one large concrete floored barn (130’x60’) and a smaller concrete floor shed (30’x25’). There is also a water well with underground piping throughout this area. This would be an excellent place to build a hunting cabin or lodge.
Water: There are several irrigation wells on the property that are serviced by 3 phase electricity that can be used to add water to the wetland units and the fishing lake. There is standing water in several parts of the planted areas that will also make for intermittent wetlands within the wooded areas during wet times of the year and should make excellent waterfowl hunting. There is plenty of standing water in large canal systems that surround the ranch and there are several crossing within the property.
Electricity: Electric lines run from the county road through the center of the property.
Price: $907,200 or $1,200/acre.
Other: Approximately 661 acres of this property has been restored to wetland communities representative of the forested riverine habitats originally found in this ecosystem. This restoration has been done to create a Mitigation Bank which creates an easement on that portion of the property, done for the purpose of protecting the habitat in perpetuity. No further disturbance on this portion of the property shall be allowed. Hunting, fishing and recreational use is allowed over this portion of the property.
Note: This write-up may contain errors and omissions and is for information only. The above information has been deemed correct but is not guaranteed and is subject to changes, corrections, and or withdraws from the market with no prior notice.
Daisetta Swamp Ranch - Liberty County, Daisetta, TX
The Daisetta Swamp Ranch is a unique opportunity to own a fantastic hunting property about one hour from downtown Houston. The majority of the property has been recently planted in new hardwood trees, creating an excellent environment for wildlife that will only improve with time. There are also four wetland units for ducks and one large pond for fishing. Improvements include large barn, several water wells and good roads.
Location: Property is located on County Road just south of FM 834 approximately 2 miles northwest of Daisetta, Texas. The ranch is less than 60 miles from Houston.
Topography: The ranch is primarily built on an old rice farm with multiple levee systems and water control systems. The majority of the property has been planted in a variety of hardwoods including; bald cypress, willow oaks, overcup oaks, shumard oaks, nutall oaks, green ash, sugarberry, elm, tupelo, red maple, sweetgum, swamp chestnut oak, hickory, and pecans. This planting has been done over the past three years and covers approximately 661 acres. This portion of the ranch is under a Conservation Easement and has limits to usage but does include hunting and fishing. The remaining 95 acres of the property that is not encumbered with a Conservation Easement includes roads on levees, four wetland units, one fishing pond and an area in front of property that has several large barns/sheds.
Wildlife: Excellent populations of ducks, deer, dove, hogs and alligators. Duck hunting is primarily on the existing wetland units that are built to control water depths for creating optimum conditions for attracting ducks. The areas that have been planted with hardwoods are excellent cover and environment for whitetail deer. As the trees grow, it will become an amazing native hardwood forest that should create one of the best ecosystems for deer to be found in the County. With all of the water in wetlands, ponds/lakes, and canals to be found on the property there are plenty of alligators. There is also fishing in several of the ponds and fish are also found in the canal systems throughout the property.
Improvement’s: At the entrance into the property, there is a footprint of approximately 4.5 acres of Saint Agustin grass and includes several large oaks and one large concrete floored barn (130’x60’) and a smaller concrete floor shed (30’x25’). There is also a water well with underground piping throughout this area. This would be an excellent place to build a hunting cabin or lodge.
Water: There are several irrigation wells on the property that are serviced by 3 phase electricity that can be used to add water to the wetland units and the fishing lake. There is standing water in several parts of the planted areas that will also make for intermittent wetlands within the wooded areas during wet times of the year and should make excellent waterfowl hunting. There is plenty of standing water in large canal systems that surround the ranch and there are several crossing within the property.
Electricity: Electric lines run from the county road through the center of the property.
Price: $907,200 or $1,200/acre.
Other: Approximately 661 acres of this property has been restored to wetland communities representative of the forested riverine habitats originally found in this ecosystem. This restoration has been done to create a Mitigation Bank which creates an easement on that portion of the property, done for the purpose of protecting the habitat in perpetuity. No further disturbance on this portion of the property shall be allowed. Hunting, fishing and recreational use is allowed over this portion of the property.
Note: This write-up may contain errors and omissions and is for information only. The above information has been deemed correct but is not guaranteed and is subject to changes, corrections, and or withdraws from the market with no prior notice.