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Rio Medina Ranch - Medina County, Castroville, TX

The Rio Medina Ranch offers unspoiled native brush in the transition zone of South Texas with amazing views from the hilltops and is only 45 minutes from downtown San Antonio. Great little ranch with everything needed to make one of the finer showplace ranches in the area.

Location: The gate entrance is 11.5 mile drive from hwy 90 north of Castroville. The property is just west of the town of Riomedina on paved County Road 366.

Topography: There is tremendous relief on this ranch with over 160’ of elevation changes from the bottom of the draws to the top of the ridges. Views are incredible from many vantage points on the ranch. The majority of the ranch is covered in native brush with a great variety of typical South Texas brush such as kidneywood, guajillo, hogplum, and persimmon along with many other species. The entire ranch is covered with Live Oaks, Bull Mesquites, Hackberries and Cedar Elms and some larger Cedars. There are three drainages through the property that would offer excellent sites for putting in a large lake(s) and the ridgelines offer excellent homesites. At the entrance of the ranch there is an open field of about 60 acres that is covered in lush native grasses.

Wildlife: The ranch has great whitetails as well as the occasional exotic and hogs. With farmland prevalent in the area there is a tremendous number of doves and the open field up top as well as the ridgelines hold quail. Ducks frequent the ponds in the winter.

Improvements: There is a rock front entrance with electric gate and over a mile of paved road from the entrance to the middle of the property. The fence along the boundary line is all low fenced and in good condition. There are numerous roads throughout the entire property making access to the entire place very easy.

Water: There are two ponds on the ranch and there is public water from the county road frontage piped into the ranch.

 Electricity: Electric lines run through the middle of the property for ready access.

Note: Buyer’s agent must be present at initial showing to participate in real estate commission. This write-up may contain errors and omissions and is for information only. The above has been deemed correct but is not guaranteed and is subject to changes, corrections, and or withdraws from the market without prior notice.

Rio Medina Ranch

Medina County, Castroville, TX

656± Acres

Property Sold
Feb 19th, 2025
$2,689,600 (Asking Price)