The Cadena is a wonderful low fenced ranch located in the big deer country of southern Duval County, near Hebbronville, Texas. The fine sandy loam soils and the amount of both surface and groundwater set this ranch apart. The ranch harbors a great herd of native white-tailed deer managed under MLDP, huge numbers of turkey, significant brush stripping for bountiful quail hunting and is located in a renowned dove hunting area of South Texas. Two major creek drainages run through the ranch with several smaller creeks as well.
Location: The ranch is located in southern Duval County, just east of Realitos. There are multiple frontages on county roads and highways. The ranch can be accessed from FM 359 and FM 716, as well as several caliche county roads.
Habitat: The Cadena Ranch is located in the South Texas Plains ecoregion and is dominated by fine sandy loam soils which comprise over 70% of the ranch, with approximately 18% in gravelly sands and remaining 12% in clay dominated soils along the bottomland drainages. Some of the hills have exposed caliche which is used to maintain excellent roads.
To date over 3,500 acres of the ranch has been sculpted, motted and stripped to enhance quail nesting and hunting habitat in the sandy portions of the ranch. The quail production in these areas is first class, and much of the remaining portions of the sandy country are appropriate for further sculpting to enhance quail habitat. The brush management left mottes of primarily large mesquites, spanish dagger, prickly pear and granjeno. Grasses include a diverse mix of sideoats grama, buffalo grass, little bluestem, and buffelgrass.
Native brush areas of the ranch are mostly larger old growth brush providing forage and shelter for wildlife. The brush species includes mesquite, granjeno, black brush, acacias, prickly pear, condalia, guajillo, and hog plum as well as other varieties. It is classic South Texas deer habitat at its best.
Along the creeks where in the heavier clay soils the property has live oaks, persimmons, and sugar hackberries that grow tall creating excellent thick stands to offer further shelter for wildlife. Bull mesquites also dominate these areas proving out the deep and rich soils.
Wildlife: The white-tailed deer on the property are abundant. It has been managed under the MLDP Conservation Option which offers the opportunity to work with a TPWD biologists to improve habitat and benefit from a customized harvest plans and extend the hunting season. The entire ranch is low fenced with the exception of 4.5 miles on the northern fence line and 2.3 miles on the southeast corner which are both high fenced. Deer hunting pressure has been minimal, as the management has mostly concentrated on harvesting management bucks and does. The age distribution is excellent on the property.
Turkey hunting on this ranch is phenomenal, with multiple roosts along the the major drainages. The excellent water distribution and multiple small ponds and lakes also allow for the turkey to be well distributed throughout the ranch.
The primary reason the current owner put this ranch together was to create excellent bobwhite quail country. There has been an active and ongoing program to sculpt much of the brush into mottes to allow for grasses to grow and create excellent habitat that can be traditionally hunted in quail trucks with dogs. The majority of the ranch has the fine sandy loams that grow excellent stands of grass to allow the quail to flourish. The process of turning this ranch in topnotch quail country has begun and is ready for a new owner to continue the evolution.
Dove hunting in this area is outstanding and there is a fair amount of grain grown in the vicinity which brings in large numbers of the birds in the fall. Besides mourning dove, there is also an abundance of white-winged doves on this ranch and the hunting is outstanding.
Several of the lakes are stocked with fish, and many of the ponds and lakes hold good numbers of waterfowl during the fall/winter migration.
Improvements: The housing improvements on the ranch are modest and well done. There are three existing homes all in great condition scattered around the ranch. Currently, the homes are used as housing for managers and caretakers. All are tastefully decorated and have fenced in yards that are well taken care of.
There is an excellent road system throughout the ranch and the fencing is in good condition. The property is divided into 17 pastures to rotate cattle on the property. With the water distribution and multiple cattle pens and traps the ranch is a great cattle ranch to supplement the wildlife on the place.
Water: The surface water on the ranch is extensive with multiple small ponds and small lakes that are fed by the multiple water wells throughout the ranch. A major creek drainage runs through the property (Macho Creek) and hold ponds of water throughout much of the year. There are also an artesian spring on the ranch which flow water into a lake keeping it well watered year-round.
The groundwater in this part of Duval County is excellent and is sourced from the Gulf Coast Aquifer. The drilling depth of the multiple water wells range from 300 to 400 with most water depths found between 65 and 100. All wells produce 50+ gallons per minute, and the opportunity to drill high volume wells exists in this area.
There are currently 9 water wells with electric pumps on the ranch, 2 working windmills, and 6 solar wells. Most of the wells have been drilled in the past five years.
Electricity: There are ample electric lines run throughout much of the ranch with plenty of access points to utilize the electricity.
Minerals: Surface sale only. There are four current working oil wells on the property.
Other: This ranch is co-brokered with Dan Kinsel Ranch Sales, LLC
Price: Asking $2,474 per acre ($24,329,250)
Cadena Ranch - Duval County, Hebbronville, TX
The Cadena is a wonderful low fenced ranch located in the big deer country of southern Duval County, near Hebbronville, Texas. The fine sandy loam soils and the amount of both surface and groundwater set this ranch apart. The ranch harbors a great herd of native white-tailed deer managed under MLDP, huge numbers of turkey, significant brush stripping for bountiful quail hunting and is located in a renowned dove hunting area of South Texas. Two major creek drainages run through the ranch with several smaller creeks as well.
Location: The ranch is located in southern Duval County, just east of Realitos. There are multiple frontages on county roads and highways. The ranch can be accessed from FM 359 and FM 716, as well as several caliche county roads.
Habitat: The Cadena Ranch is located in the South Texas Plains ecoregion and is dominated by fine sandy loam soils which comprise over 70% of the ranch, with approximately 18% in gravelly sands and remaining 12% in clay dominated soils along the bottomland drainages. Some of the hills have exposed caliche which is used to maintain excellent roads.
To date over 3,500 acres of the ranch has been sculpted, motted and stripped to enhance quail nesting and hunting habitat in the sandy portions of the ranch. The quail production in these areas is first class, and much of the remaining portions of the sandy country are appropriate for further sculpting to enhance quail habitat. The brush management left mottes of primarily large mesquites, spanish dagger, prickly pear and granjeno. Grasses include a diverse mix of sideoats grama, buffalo grass, little bluestem, and buffelgrass.
Native brush areas of the ranch are mostly larger old growth brush providing forage and shelter for wildlife. The brush species includes mesquite, granjeno, black brush, acacias, prickly pear, condalia, guajillo, and hog plum as well as other varieties. It is classic South Texas deer habitat at its best.
Along the creeks where in the heavier clay soils the property has live oaks, persimmons, and sugar hackberries that grow tall creating excellent thick stands to offer further shelter for wildlife. Bull mesquites also dominate these areas proving out the deep and rich soils.
Wildlife: The white-tailed deer on the property are abundant. It has been managed under the MLDP Conservation Option which offers the opportunity to work with a TPWD biologists to improve habitat and benefit from a customized harvest plans and extend the hunting season. The entire ranch is low fenced with the exception of 4.5 miles on the northern fence line and 2.3 miles on the southeast corner which are both high fenced. Deer hunting pressure has been minimal, as the management has mostly concentrated on harvesting management bucks and does. The age distribution is excellent on the property.
Turkey hunting on this ranch is phenomenal, with multiple roosts along the the major drainages. The excellent water distribution and multiple small ponds and lakes also allow for the turkey to be well distributed throughout the ranch.
The primary reason the current owner put this ranch together was to create excellent bobwhite quail country. There has been an active and ongoing program to sculpt much of the brush into mottes to allow for grasses to grow and create excellent habitat that can be traditionally hunted in quail trucks with dogs. The majority of the ranch has the fine sandy loams that grow excellent stands of grass to allow the quail to flourish. The process of turning this ranch in topnotch quail country has begun and is ready for a new owner to continue the evolution.
Dove hunting in this area is outstanding and there is a fair amount of grain grown in the vicinity which brings in large numbers of the birds in the fall. Besides mourning dove, there is also an abundance of white-winged doves on this ranch and the hunting is outstanding.
Several of the lakes are stocked with fish, and many of the ponds and lakes hold good numbers of waterfowl during the fall/winter migration.
Improvements: The housing improvements on the ranch are modest and well done. There are three existing homes all in great condition scattered around the ranch. Currently, the homes are used as housing for managers and caretakers. All are tastefully decorated and have fenced in yards that are well taken care of.
There is an excellent road system throughout the ranch and the fencing is in good condition. The property is divided into 17 pastures to rotate cattle on the property. With the water distribution and multiple cattle pens and traps the ranch is a great cattle ranch to supplement the wildlife on the place.
Water: The surface water on the ranch is extensive with multiple small ponds and small lakes that are fed by the multiple water wells throughout the ranch. A major creek drainage runs through the property (Macho Creek) and hold ponds of water throughout much of the year. There are also an artesian spring on the ranch which flow water into a lake keeping it well watered year-round.
The groundwater in this part of Duval County is excellent and is sourced from the Gulf Coast Aquifer. The drilling depth of the multiple water wells range from 300 to 400 with most water depths found between 65 and 100. All wells produce 50+ gallons per minute, and the opportunity to drill high volume wells exists in this area.
There are currently 9 water wells with electric pumps on the ranch, 2 working windmills, and 6 solar wells. Most of the wells have been drilled in the past five years.
Electricity: There are ample electric lines run throughout much of the ranch with plenty of access points to utilize the electricity.
Minerals: Surface sale only. There are four current working oil wells on the property.
Other: This ranch is co-brokered with Dan Kinsel Ranch Sales, LLC
Price: Asking $2,474 per acre ($24,329,250)