Shance Tyson

Sales Associate
3535 Westheimer Rd. Ste. 227
Houston, Texas, 77027
Shance Tyson was born and raised in Central Texas where he grew up hunting and fishing on the family ranch. His love of the outdoors took him to Texas Tech University, where he received a Bachelor of Science in Wildlife and Fisheries Management. During college, he completed a three year internship managing hunting operations and white tail deer research on large private ranches in the Hill Country and South Texas. Upon graduation in 1995, he began managing Ranch operations for a family with a deep ranching heritage on ranches across the state of Texas. This family and their vast heritage taught Shance the value of natural conservation and land stewardship, molding him into what he is today. This experience sparked a passion for helping other landowners with their lake and fisheries management and operations. He created Clearwater Consulting LLC, a private lake management business, in 1999 which is currently managing private lakes on hundreds of ranches across Texas and Louisiana . His extensive knowledge in ranch operations and lake and fisheries management led to the creation of Legacy Lakes and Land LLC, a lake, wetland, and ranch design firm, that designs and builds ponds, lakes, reservoirs, and wetlands for private land owners. His 30 years of experience in ranch business, wildlife and fisheries management, and the love of conservation and the outdoors has driven him to pursue a career in Ranch Real estate with Republic Ranches. He is a lifetime member of the Texas Wildlife Association, Texas Deer Association and Texas Parks and Wildlife. He currently resides in the Texas Gulf Coast region, West of Houston.
Shance is licensed in Texas.