Property Sold

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Uvalde Oaks Ranch - Uvalde County, Uvalde, TX

Key Attributes

Uvalde Oaks Ranch is a stunning 3,050 acre ranch teeming with wildlife, 2+ miles of West Nueces River, & rich bottom country. The ranch is an absolutely stunning agricultural & recreational ranch geared for both the hunter & cowman alike. Loaded with a mixture of larger than life old growth oaks and forage rich pasture, it is sure to take your breath away. Approximately one third of the ranch is open pasture with Kleingrass & coastal bermuda grasses; the  remaining portion of the ranch is loaded with beautifully manicured live oak flats, hill country topo, and diverse south Texas brush species.

Uvalde Oaks Ranch

Uvalde County, Uvalde, TX

3,050 Acres

Property Sold
May 10th, 2018
$5,665,192 (Asking Price)