Mountain View Ranch is a first class hunting and recreational ranch situated in the transition country of southwest Texas. The ranch has its own series of live oak filled valleys, diverse brushed country and nearby Turkey and Elm Mountains. This ranch offers incredibly productive wildlife habitat and is ready to go with a carefully thought-out headquarters, an outstanding road system, extensive water distribution including drinkers and ponds, a supplemental feeding program, hunting set ups and so much more make this a place the new owner can enjoy immediately.
Location: Mountain View Ranch is located northwest of Uvalde, TX and northeast of Brackettville, TX off of RM 334. The ranch is approximately 11 miles outside of Brackettville, TX, and 120 miles (1 hour 50 minutes) from Downtown San Antonio, TX.
Del Rio International Airport is nearby for airplane travel to and from the area (6,300’ runway).
The headquarters offers a beautiful 2,500 SF, 4 bedroom, ranch style home overlooking a 1 plus acre lake. Just off of the main house is a bunkhouse, capable of sleeping up to 8 people comfortably. The bunkhouse structure includes a large hightailing 2 vehicle carport.
The game cleaning facility was built to facilitate a larger hunting operation with high volume management weekends. When managing herds on big game ranches, the need to clean several animals at a time is necessary to work efficiently. The game cleaning area is equipped with a walk-in cooler, bathrooms, garage with storage and a fire pit to tell the stories of the evening hunt.
To complete the headquarters infrastructure, there is a 4,000 SF equipment barn with an outdoor heavy equipment shed that is able to shade larger equipment. In addition, the barn has electric, three large doors and a gravel floor.
The Camp:
Located on the southern end of the ranch is a classic hunting camp with a medium sized barn with a portion finished out into a living area with a bathroom. In addition, there is an old pila that can be used as a swimming pool and an old barn that was used in the old days for sheep operations. There are currently several cabins in place that the owner plans to remove unless the new owner desires to purchase. The camp has water, electric and septic in place.
Topography, Rangeland and Habitat:
The ranch is situated on the West Nueces River and Rio Grande River watersheds with creeks and drainages that provide wonderful habitat for wildlife. The bottoms are filled with South Texas browse and good soils perfect for planting cool season food plots!
The vegetation in this transition area is typical of both the Hill Country and South Texas with live oaks, shin oak, redbud, mountain laurel, scattered juniper, guajillo, blackbrush, cenizo, guayacan, kidneywood, and other typical species providing excellent mast, browse and cover.
Wildlife & Hunting:
White-tailed Deer:
Mountain View Ranch has a well managed white-tailed deer herd with both native and improved genetics. The deer herd has been managed under Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s Managed Land Deer Program for over a decade. Supplemental protein feed is provided year-round except during the hunting season. Currently, the estimated deer density is a deer to 18 acres and close to a 1:1 Buck:Doe ratio. The east pasture has lower density and more of the larger mature bucks.
The ranch’s perimeter is high fenced with an interior cross high fence running north to south creating a 2,090+/- acre “East” pasture and a 2,285+/- acre high fenced “House” pasture. The ranch has approximately 22 deer stands (11 of which are Atascosa blinds) each with a timed corn feeder and another 18 protein feeders.
The “House” pasture has a small population of axis and blackbuck.
The ranch is extremely well watered! The ranch is equipped with seven water wells. There are 5 electric wells and 2 solar wells. The wells distribute water to numerous concrete water troughs and ponds that have been strategically positioned to adequately provide water across the entire ranch.
The lake and ponds closest to the headquarters are stocked with largemouth bass making it easy to walk from the house and catch a quick bass!
The road infrastructure in place is worth its own section in this property description. In our opinion, the ranch’s road system yields the three most positive outcomes we would like to see come out of a ranch’s road infrastructure: pasture appeal, value and usability.
Minerals: Seller is believed to own a portion of the mineral estate. Seller’s owned minerals, if any, are negotiable.
Some portions of the groundwater estate have been reserved but the current owner controls the right to negotiate any commercial sale or lease for groundwater, so current surface owner is in control. There are some simple, common sense, well number restrictions on 600 acres of ranch. None of these reservations or restrictions negatively impact current use of ranch.
Mountain View Ranch - Kinney County, Brackettville, TX
Key Attributes
Mountain View Ranch is a first class hunting and recreational ranch situated in the transition country of southwest Texas. The ranch has its own series of live oak filled valleys, diverse brushed country and nearby Turkey and Elm Mountains. This ranch offers incredibly productive wildlife habitat and is ready to go with a carefully thought-out headquarters, an outstanding road system, extensive water distribution including drinkers and ponds, a supplemental feeding program, hunting set ups and so much more make this a place the new owner can enjoy immediately.
Location: Mountain View Ranch is located northwest of Uvalde, TX and northeast of Brackettville, TX off of RM 334. The ranch is approximately 11 miles outside of Brackettville, TX, and 120 miles (1 hour 50 minutes) from Downtown San Antonio, TX.
Del Rio International Airport is nearby for airplane travel to and from the area (6,300’ runway).
The headquarters offers a beautiful 2,500 SF, 4 bedroom, ranch style home overlooking a 1 plus acre lake. Just off of the main house is a bunkhouse, capable of sleeping up to 8 people comfortably. The bunkhouse structure includes a large hightailing 2 vehicle carport.
The game cleaning facility was built to facilitate a larger hunting operation with high volume management weekends. When managing herds on big game ranches, the need to clean several animals at a time is necessary to work efficiently. The game cleaning area is equipped with a walk-in cooler, bathrooms, garage with storage and a fire pit to tell the stories of the evening hunt.
To complete the headquarters infrastructure, there is a 4,000 SF equipment barn with an outdoor heavy equipment shed that is able to shade larger equipment. In addition, the barn has electric, three large doors and a gravel floor.
The Camp:
Located on the southern end of the ranch is a classic hunting camp with a medium sized barn with a portion finished out into a living area with a bathroom. In addition, there is an old pila that can be used as a swimming pool and an old barn that was used in the old days for sheep operations. There are currently several cabins in place that the owner plans to remove unless the new owner desires to purchase. The camp has water, electric and septic in place.
Topography, Rangeland and Habitat:
The ranch is situated on the West Nueces River and Rio Grande River watersheds with creeks and drainages that provide wonderful habitat for wildlife. The bottoms are filled with South Texas browse and good soils perfect for planting cool season food plots!
The vegetation in this transition area is typical of both the Hill Country and South Texas with live oaks, shin oak, redbud, mountain laurel, scattered juniper, guajillo, blackbrush, cenizo, guayacan, kidneywood, and other typical species providing excellent mast, browse and cover.
Wildlife & Hunting:
White-tailed Deer:
Mountain View Ranch has a well managed white-tailed deer herd with both native and improved genetics. The deer herd has been managed under Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s Managed Land Deer Program for over a decade. Supplemental protein feed is provided year-round except during the hunting season. Currently, the estimated deer density is a deer to 18 acres and close to a 1:1 Buck:Doe ratio. The east pasture has lower density and more of the larger mature bucks.
The ranch’s perimeter is high fenced with an interior cross high fence running north to south creating a 2,090+/- acre “East” pasture and a 2,285+/- acre high fenced “House” pasture. The ranch has approximately 22 deer stands (11 of which are Atascosa blinds) each with a timed corn feeder and another 18 protein feeders.
The “House” pasture has a small population of axis and blackbuck.
The ranch is extremely well watered! The ranch is equipped with seven water wells. There are 5 electric wells and 2 solar wells. The wells distribute water to numerous concrete water troughs and ponds that have been strategically positioned to adequately provide water across the entire ranch.
The lake and ponds closest to the headquarters are stocked with largemouth bass making it easy to walk from the house and catch a quick bass!
The road infrastructure in place is worth its own section in this property description. In our opinion, the ranch’s road system yields the three most positive outcomes we would like to see come out of a ranch’s road infrastructure: pasture appeal, value and usability.
Minerals: Seller is believed to own a portion of the mineral estate. Seller’s owned minerals, if any, are negotiable.
Some portions of the groundwater estate have been reserved but the current owner controls the right to negotiate any commercial sale or lease for groundwater, so current surface owner is in control. There are some simple, common sense, well number restrictions on 600 acres of ranch. None of these reservations or restrictions negatively impact current use of ranch.